Article | 01 Oct 2015

New to Working with Freelance professionals?

Posted in Top tips, Tools & Advice, Alice’s Blog, Client,

Maybe you’ve never hired a freelancer. You have a big deadline looming, and you’re stressing about getting the job done on time. Everyone is suggesting you hire some freelance help, but where do you begin? If you have any reservations or questions about working with freelancers, follow my five top tips.

If executed properly, these tips will save you time, energy and undue stress, and you’ll be sure to have a great working relationship with any freelancer you hire.

1. Provide a detailed brief: Give your freelancer a detailed brief for the project, expected time frame and defined milestones. Provide a clear task list with deadlines. If the project is likely to extend, then communicate that as early as possible.

Invest time in outlining their role and KPIs. Providing clear guidance and expectations from the outset will help ensure you’re both on the same page, and you’ll get the desired results.

2. Gain buy-in: Have a conversation with the freelancer about the big picture around the project – whether it’s your business objectives or something else. By explaining the importance of the project and how it fits into this bigger picture, you’ll make them feel like they are part of the team and you’ll be giving them important background information which will help them do a better job.

3. Communicate regularly throughout the project: As a client, you should know in advance when you need a press release or slides for an important meeting. Sharing this information with your freelancer will mean they can plan and work to a time frame. If the project changes, give your freelancer as much notice of the change as possible. Remember: they have other projects too and need to manage their time.

4. Pay on time: An easy way to keep your freelancer happy is by paying them on time – or early! You gave them a deadline and they’ve done their share of the work, so don’t hold out on their payment. If you know this process is long at your company, then communicate that before the project starts. Freelancers will be much happier to work with you again if you pay them promptly, and as agreed.

At The Work Crowd, we hold funds securely in a client escrow whilst the project is being undertaken to afford both parties protection. This assures the freelancer that they will be paid, and the client that they will only pay when the work has been completed.

5: Treat your freelancer fairly. One of the most common reasons why freelancers quit projects is that the client is too demanding. Don’t micromanage or bombard them with emails or phone calls every five minutes with specifications or additional work. Once you’ve set the parameters, stick to them.

If you need your freelancer to do more work than anticipated, notify them as soon as possible, and agree a fee. You’ll find freelancers will be loyal if you approach them with respect and keep to your side of the bargain.

If the balance is maintained, then freelancers are an absolute asset to any client and their company. They can help at busy times and provide a trusted additional pair of hands. And if you are a great client to work for, you will never have a problem hiring top-quality freelance talent.

If you have a project and need to find a professional freelancer, The Work Crowd can help.

Our platform will match and connect you to our best in class network of flexible freelancers in Marketing, Communications and PR to give you a helping hand.


Tagged in toptips, advice, recruitment,